Monday, January 31, 2011

Finally done...?

This commissioned piece is finally least I think so. I've gone back into this piece several times. Changing a little here, and a little there. I like some parts of it, but not everything. I just need to get better at painting. Maybe I should try something really loose next...hhhhmmm is that even possible with my personality?

Oh yes, and that is my new easel! My desk is easel free and open for my brushes, palette, paints and so on! Woo hoo!! Got it on sale at Jerry's too.

Monday, January 17, 2011

the end result

The end result of the auction piece that I painted for my sister for her charity. She left with it still wet as I was too exhausted last night to finish it. I'm in the middle about this piece. I like it, but at the same time not loving it. Hopefully whoever bids on it loves it and will take good care of it.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

snow day

About 18 inches of snow fell in little Connecticut today! At least in my area. After helping the shoveling and a little playing about in the snow, I decided to check up on some artist blogs and came across Audrey Kawasaki's. I felt intrigued to try out the technique of a simple drawing and cutting out the white spaces. This is a Japanese maple leaf in colored pencil, outlined with a .01 micron pen. Cutting out the white areas was a lot harder than I thought. Those curves really get you! I'll probably give this to my little sister.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I'm still alive

This is a piece that I'm doing for my little sister for her charity auction to help fund future missionary trips. It's from a photo that I took when my family and I vacationed in Prince Edward Island, Canada. This is what I have so far. A small shed will be added on the left, advertising strawberries. Every piece I do is a new experiment for me. Once it dries, which I believe will be tomorrow, I'll be adding some blues and purples into the mix. I almost don't want to add the shed.

My ultimate goal is to have the viewer imagine the slight breeze running across the grass and the feeling of freedom that one gets when looking at a cloudless sky. I hope to relay that as I continue from here.