Saturday, July 17, 2010

Movies and Oil Paints

For weeks now I've been itching to paint, but held myself back for various reasons. Excuses really. I didn't feel as if I should paint unless I had something pre-planned and well thought out. Well, my mood decreased and I became more irritable; the heat not helping. I drew and colored, but what I really needed was to paint. So I did. I just painted. I used one paint brush, a size 4 Flibert Winsor & Newton and 7 colors. I just let my hand paint and work out my many frustrations rumbling through my head and irritations coursing through my fingers. The colors may be vibrant and may blend a bit too much, but it shows exactly what's been going on in my mind. There isn't clarity just yet, but it's breaking through. When it dries I will go back into it and make the rays of light more prominent and with more warmth. The top was an earlier version.